Lesson Planning

Hasil gambar untuk lesson plan

Now that we have been introduced to various activities and tools available on the internet for language teaching and learning, you may have had a better picture by now about how the available technology can be used for your language teaching activity later in the future. In order to practice planning a future language lesson which is technology based try to look at this lesson plan samples: CAREFULLY LOOK at The samples because you will make one like those at the end of the session.

  1. Lesson Plan Sample 1 http://alex.state.al.us/lesson_view.php?id=4247
  2. Lesson Plan Sample 2 https://sites.google.com/a/nssd112.org/tech-for-teachers/home/example-lesson-plan-using-technology-resources
  3. Lesson Plan Sample 3 http://l-www.voki.com/open_pdf.php?file=Conjugation%20and%20Sentence%20Practice%20-%20Many%20Grades.pdf
  4. Lesson Plan Sample 4 http://studentweb.usq.edu.au/home/w0055334/Teaching-IM.htm
  5. Lesson Plan Sample 5https://sites.google.com/site/1english1/teachingusinginternetbasedlanguageinstru
Having read the example of lesson plans above, now, considered you as a teacher who will use technology in your language class. Therefore, you will need to make a lesson plan. The following links provide information about Lesson Planning. Read carefully to find out what should you be aware of when designing a lesson plan, for example
  1. what do you expect your students to learn (lesson objectives)
  2. what is the best way for your students to demonstrate their achievement ( this will inform you about what assignment will you give to know the evidence of learning in students)
  3. what are the materials required (links, websites, videos, or software)
  4. what is the sequence of material presentation or activities
Check this link for information on lesson planning:
  1. Lesson Planning Slides
  2. Principles of Lesson Planning
  3. Planning Lessons by Linda Jensen
I have tried to make lesson plan for my teaching practice and I integrate it with the tool that can make my students doing it through online. The tool is Sound cloud, I use it to improve my student's listening skill, even in this time I focus on listening skill it does not mean that another skills will be forgotten. You may use the recording on the Soundcloud, this time I used Soundcloud to teach narrative text. So, the title of recording is The Mountain God and The River God


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