Teaching Reading and Using Comics to teach it

Hasil gambar untuk technology to teach reading

      Technology helps us to be easier explaining our English material. Moreover, there are some skills that has to be mastered when learning English, they are listening, reading, writing and speaking. Those skills are must to be taught in the class. So, if we want to focus on writing skill, we will also need the other three skills. For me, to apply those skills on the class activities is little bit difficult and not all of students can do it well. 
    Then, how to solve that case? As a future English teacher who lives in a modern era, we are required to be able to operate the technology and many tools in the internet. Why? It is because in education nowadays using technology when do the teaching and learning process. Therefore, as a teacher, we must very creative to design our media, strategies, teaching methods, and so on.
If the teacher already creative, the students will pay more attention on the explanation about the material. Just take an example about teaching reading. Actually, students are not really enthusiastic when they are asked to read passages and then they have to answer it. It is very boring for them. One of the solutions for teaching reading creatively is by using comics that relates with the material. Maybe the teacher asked them to make a comic in a group work, or maybe they are asked to do the role play based on the comics, and so on. There are a lot of activities for reading that using comics.
      But before I talk about comic further, I will talk about teaching reading using technology. Enjoy your reading guys :D
    When teaching any skills will need some approaches to be done, reading for example. When teaching reading will need some approaches like :
  • Phonics Approach
  • Look-Say
  • Choral reading
  • Reading aloud
  • Shared reading
  • Reader’s theater
  • Sustained silent reading
  • The language experience approach

      That approaches can be done by a help from technology. So, teacher can integrate the teaching and learning process with technology. So, teaching reading using technology is very helpful. Below are some tools that can be use to teach reading.
  1. Natural Reader - Natural Reader is a professional text to speech program that converts any written text into spoken words. Natural reader supports over 20 languages with over 50 voices, including 5 varieties of English.
  2. Word game - Word Game is a game in which players compete in forming, thinking of, or guessing words according to a set of rules.
  3. Interactive reading  or here - Interactive reading is where your students can read while look at the video. So it can give students some ideas or maybe about the meaning of the words based on the video
  4. Phonic reading - The text is having sound, which make the auditory learners easier to understand the content of the text

It is very different right between papers based reading and the interactive tools above? Then what do you think? Just give a comment on the comment box :D
For the following website you can even find more collection of web-based reading activities that can be easily and freely accessed. Just click the picture below.


      And what shall we do if we want to create our own web based interactive reading activities? The tool by half-baked software offers the possibility for you to do so. Check this:
Cloze Reading Activity made with HotPotatoes

    Hot Potatoes is an easy to use authoring tools that can be used to create different web-based learning activities. One of them is the CLOZE READING activities as shown in the link above. You can also use it to create a matching activity, crossword, multiple choice activities etc. 
      Another way to promote reading activity is by having students to read comics. By reading comics students will get visual references as well as the feeling of relax and thus makes the reading activity more enjoyable. The following website talks about using comics to promote students literacy skills:

     Then how we can easily create our own comics for reading exercise /writing exercise purposes? We have a lot of ready to use tools actually, available on the internet. By using these comic creating tools we can actually help students to have both reading and writing exercises. So check the links below:
1. Toondoo
2. Chogger
3. Pixton

     For me, I have tried Pixton for making comic, just click it here to see it directly on pixton. but I also attach my comic below.

Why choosing Pixton? It is because on that tool the template has been prepared and we only select what type that we want to make.

Do you guys ever try such kind of the tools that already mention above? Just share your experience on the comment box. Thank you…..


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